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Explore The Trail

The Maine Island Trail is a 375-mile water trail that connects 220 sites and 233 shoreside resources along the entire length of the Maine coast. Created for recreational use and mostly accessible by boat, the Trail offers public access to some of the most remarkable natural places in Maine. The Trail is made possible by generous landowners who allow access to their properties trusting that users will be responsible recreators, and dedicated volunteers that help MITA conduct critical stewardship work on the Trail. 

Unlike a hiking trail, there is no prescribed route along the Maine Island Trail. Most users choose to explore it gradually over time, and many choose to stay local and enjoy a favorite site or two near home. Of course, there are adventure seekers who set out to paddle, sail, motor, or row the entire length of the Trail in one trip. How you choose to engage with the Maine Island Trail is entirely up to you!

The Maine Island Trail is blazed with handshakes.

The Trail is based on handshake agreements with public and private landowners who share a common commitment to coastal access and stewardship. There are no contracts that govern the Trail, and landowners are free to move their properties on or off the Trail at any time. Because of this,  the Trail is constantly changing. Sites are frequently added and sometimes removed, usage guidelines are revised based on owner preferences, and stewardship strategies are adjusted to meet changing environmental conditions.

To ensure that Trail sites remain well cared for and to help fulfill MITA’s pledge of responsible use, it is important for all visitors to plan their trips using the most current information available. Detailed information about each site can be found in our Guide and App, which are updated annually and available with a MITA membership.

The Maine Island Trail is made possible by individuals, families, organizations, and government entities who share their islands with other coastal steward-adventurers. If you own an island property that you believe would be a good fit for the Trail, please contact our Program Director Brian Marcaurelle at (207) 761-8225 or



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In-depth information about our most popular sites, Trail maps, galleries, and all the latest access alerts.


You don’t need a boat to start exploring the Trail. Our Quick Start guide will get you out there fast.

Exploring the Trail responsibly means following Leave No Trace guidelines, particularly for waste disposal. Check out our tips and strategies below and you will be ready to go.


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