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Maine Island Trail Ale


Since 2014, the Maine Island Trail Association (MITA) and Rising Tide Brewing have partnered to bring you a remarkably drinkable session IPA that does so much more than stimulate your taste buds. A portion of the proceeds from the sale of Maine Island Trail Ale goes to us, the Maine Island Trail Association, in support of our mission to maintain access to and perform stewardship on the 220 islands of the Maine Island Trail.


What’s the Maine Island Trail?


The Maine Island Trail is a “water trail” of islands (and some mainland sites) that runs from border to border off the Maine coast. MITA does not own any of the Trail’s sites, but is able to publish access to them by agreement with the landowners. In exchange, MITA staff and volunteers perform environmental stewardship and assist with other land management needs. In 2023, MITA volunteers contributed over 7,300 hours of service to the Maine Island Trail, helping to maintain the health and beauty of Maine’s most unique and expansive recreational resource.


Want to volunteer with us?


Check out our volunteer page and learn about the many ways to get involved as a MITA volunteer. We would love to have you come out on the Trail with us!